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Todays Forecast

Today: Dry with variable cloud and sunny spells at first. Showers then developing, most likely through the afternoon, and turning heavy at times. Some parts staying dry however. Showers easing during the evening. Maximum Temperature 19C.

30 day forecast


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The Davis VP2 console forecast

Mostly clear and cooler


sunny-dry sunny
Currently: 14.1, Min: 10.8, Max: 14.7
Warmer:  1.8 °C than last hour.


Feels like: 14°C


(12:00 am)
(1:16 pm)

(5:48 am)
(1:08 am)


Rain Today:0.0 mm

Rain Rate/hr:0.0 mm

Yesterday:1.8 mm

This Month:27.8 mm

Season Total:599.6 mm

3 days with rain this month 


Wind from S

Wind from S
6.9 mph

2 Bft
Light breeze

6.9 mph

Gust today:
18.4 mph at 1:06 am


Sun†:   sunrise  07:14 sunset  18:24

Moon:  moonrise  12:45 pm moonset  7:34 pm

Waxing Crescent
18% Illuminated

Humidity & Barometer

Humidity: Decreased by:  2.0% the last hour. 90%

Dew Point: Increased by:  1.5 °C the last hour. 12.5°C

Barometer: Rising 0.5  hPa /hr 998.1 hPa

Trend: Steady

Solar Radiation

237 W/m2 (100%)

High: 237 @  9:27 am

UV Index more information

Now: 0.0    None 

Max: 0.0 @  12:00 am

Last updated: Oct 7 2024  9:28 am  seconds ago 

Soil moisture and temperaturemore information

in cm
Moisture - cb    Temperature - °C
Min Max Actual Grow conditions Actual Max Min
15 30 cb 30 cb 30 cb
Irrigation desired
(26 - 61 cb)
Minimum growth
(10 - 15°C)
13°C 14°C 12°C

UV Index Forecast 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
uv index rounded uv index rounded uv index rounded uv index rounded uv index rounded uv index rounded
2.0 1.9 1.9 1.7 1.7 1.6
 Low   Low   Low   Low   Low   Low 
UV forecast courtesy of and Copyright © KNMI/ESA ( Used with permission.   - script v3: Weerstation Leuven