Northants Weather Station Status
This page shows the current status of the weather station, software and
server used in the operation of this website.
Webserver up for: Hours Minutes
Station system up for 10 Days 21 Hours 28 Minutes 27 Seconds
Station system free memory 1.43GB
Server Load, past 1, 5, and 15 minutes: , ,
Weather Display last started 11:06:05 02/10/2024
Software | Status | Age | Latest update time as of 07-Oct-2024 10:20:43 BST |
Weather Display realtime | Current | 0:00:01 | 07-Oct-2024 10:20:42 BST |
Weather Display FTP | Current | 0:00:22 | 07-Oct-2024 10:20:21 BST |
Weather Display custom realtime | Current | 0:00:01 | 07-Oct-2024 10:20:42 BST |
Weather Display weather trends | Current | 0:00:22 | 07-Oct-2024 10:20:21 BST |
Lightning TRAC Report creation | NOT Current | 22633:04:24 | > 120015 secs 09-Mar-2022 08:16:19 GMT |
NOT Current | 297317014 | > 216015 secs 07-May-2015 06:17:09 BST |
Northants Forecast creation | Current | 0:05:17 | 07-Oct-2024 10:15:26 BST |
The status of the Weather Station
Oregon Scientific WMR928NX | Battery Status |
Wind | %wmr918/68windbat%% |
Rain | %wmr918/68rainbat%% |
Temperature (out) | %wmr918/68tempbat%% |
Humidity | %wmr918/68tempbat%% |
UV | %wmr918/68tempbat1%% |
Solar/Night Cloud | %wmr918/68tempbat3%% |
Rain Duration | %wmr918/68tempbat2%% |
Console | %wmr918/68consbat%% |